Monday, September 15, 2014

My Best Friend's Wedding!

Someone once said, "A best friend isn't someone who's just always there for you.  It's someone who understands you a little bit more than you understand yourself."

I can honestly say this is a perfect description of my best friend and me.  We have grown into the women we are today together and are the people we are today because of one another.  Jessica Faye Sweets is what I have known her as for the past 14 years of my life.  Now she has a new name and wears it proudly, Jessica Faye Appleby.  Although it is hard for all of us ladies to give up our family name, this is just a small step in the next chapter of our lives.

I couldn't ask for a better man for my best friend.  Her husband (still strange to say), Zak Appleby, is an amazing, supportive and loving man.  These two have so much passion and love for one another, which made their day even more special for all that were involved.

I can't tell you how many people came up to me and complemented me on my work, telling me how beautiful everything was.  I said it then and I am saying it now, Jess did the majority of this SHE did an AMAZING job!  I am so proud of her :-)  I do have to give some major love to my sister, Sheri!  She helped Jess' dream come true!  Everything she worked so hard on and envisioned for their special day, Sheri made it happen!

Also, we can't say enough about those centerpieces!  My oh my, Mrs. Whitney Wyatt from Madison, Indiana did a PHENOMENAL job.

Below are some pictures that I took, my sister took and some that guests took.  I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my best friends' best day!  (and yes I mean both Mr. & Mrs. Appleby!!)

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